Tag Archives: Theme: tattoos

No Getting Over You by Suzanne Simon ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Blaine and Kurt, characters from the television show Glee, are kissing each other. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, My name is Tucker. See these two, they are Kurt and Blaine from Glee and I am a total Gleek. Their love is so perfect except it isn’t real. It’s just a TV show. My best friend says I should… Read more »

Daddy’s Boy by Isla James ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: One very naked, heavily muscled, man with his back to the camera. The words “Daddy’s Boy” are tattooed across his back from shoulder to shoulder. His legs are spread and he is obviously standing over another man who appears naked from the waist down. The man below him has a large ruddy cock that is nestled between Daddy’s… Read more »

Winter Winds by Missouri Dalton ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young man with impossibly blue eyes stares out at the viewer. It’s the eyes that have it, because this man cannot hear, a disability gained only after he was turned— into a vampire. It’s going to take one hell of a man to bring out the master vampire within. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author,… Read more »

Cherry Blossoms and Titanium by Tia Fielding ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: One man kneels in front of another man, leaning to his midsection. It looks like a submissive pose, but also like they’re maybe comforting one another? Both men are dressed casually, and you can’t tell if the kneeling man is wearing a collar or not. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, He’s been my Master for… Read more »