Tag Archives: Sex Content: sweet/no sex

Open Arms and Open Eyes by Michelle K Grant ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young man with warm brown eyes and shaggy, tousled brown hair looks seriously into the camera before pulling his long bangs back to reveal “I Love You” written in symbols on his forehead. His face breaks into a huge open smile as his secret is revealed. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I was surfing… Read more »

Cherry Blossoms and Titanium by Tia Fielding ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: One man kneels in front of another man, leaning to his midsection. It looks like a submissive pose, but also like they’re maybe comforting one another? Both men are dressed casually, and you can’t tell if the kneeling man is wearing a collar or not. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, He’s been my Master for… Read more »