PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two well-built, dark-haired men face each other in a small bathroom, their lower halves nearly touching. The shorter one has his back to the mirror, a disheveled look to his business-casual clothes. The taller one has shorter hair and no shirt at all. Both have shaving foam on their faces. The shorter man drags a razor over the… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men sitting over candlelight, one is seminude and looking frustrated. The other is nude, bound in rope, and passed out. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, What do I have to do to get this guy’s attention?! Over the years I’ve been there for him when he’s needed me. I’ve mooned over him, sent… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: An image, captured through a partially open window, shows two men laughing. One, in a modern suit and hat, has his eyes squeezed shut and his chin is being grasped by the other. The second man is shirtless. Although the image is obscured by dappled light on the glass, they look to be in their own little world…. Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A black-and-white photo shows a young man, possibly in his late teens/early twenties, lying asleep on a sofa. The hood of his plaid, cotton jacket is pulled over his head. His face is peaceful, his hair a little messy and swept across his forehead. Lying at his side, leaning into him and half across his chest, is a… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men stand bare in a small patch of sunlight in an otherwise dark room. These two have been to hell and back, but now they can be together at last. They embrace passionately with no care for anything or anyone else but each other. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I can’t believe he’s… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Profile view of nude male with double tribal dragon tattoos running from his pecs, up to his shoulders and then down his sides. Dragon tails run along down to the groin. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I’ve never been one for tattoos, but look at that canvas! What makes it so painful is that… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A photograph of an attractive man is shot through a windowpane and between the pillars of an office building, as he stands in its lobby. He has short, wavy black hair and a closely trimmed mustache and beard. He is wearing a dark blue suit, a dark blue tie with a white dotted design, and a white-collared dress… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two unclothed men stand side-by-side at the railing to a ship, their backs to us, facing the ocean. The man on the left has his arm around the waist of the other and their heads are tipped together affectionately. Both men are similar looking: wide shoulders, shaved heads, shapely butts, and golden skin. The one major difference is… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A man holds his sleeping newborn. The baby clutches a set of dog tags while resting his chin on the man’s shoulder. The word “family” is tattooed across the father’s back. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, My name is yours to give, I’m a new father, whose best friend in the world just died and… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A shirtless man sits in the backseat of a car in the black-and-white photo. We mostly see his torso; his back is to us, and his wrists are handcuffed behind him. The cuffs and his bare skin seem to glow in the light coming from the open door of the car. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear… Read more »