PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A well-built man is facing the camera at a bit of an angle, with his right arm up over his head, showing his hairy pit. He has an attractive face, with a bit of a crooked nose, and a mustache and goatee. His chest is thick, covered with light brown fur, and his biceps well developed. It’s his… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: He pulls back his jacket and shirt with one hand, revealing a rock-hard abdomen and hirsute chest. His pink bow-tie hangs to one side, and his pants are undone. A constellation of moles scatters across his body, inviting… See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I’ve always had a thing for moles. Don’t know what it is… Read more »
PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A smiling dark-haired guy in his twenties or thirties is apparently driving a car. Another man, perhaps a little younger, also with short dark hair, is resting his head on the driver’s shoulder, eyes closed, a faint smile on his face. Behind them on the backseat is a dog, probably a Weimaraner, and all we see of it… Read more »