Tag Archives: Theme: friends to lovers

All I Ever Wanted by Lauren Lewis ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men, both dressed in tuxedos, are standing alone around the back of a church. They are kissing and holding each other close. The taller man has his arms wrapped around the smaller man’s waist, while the smaller man is leaning into the kiss and reaching out for his partner. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author,There is… Read more »

Better Than New by Charley Descoteaux ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Extreme close-up of a handsome young man with beautiful blue eyes and a sexy bit of scruff. He’s exhaling a drag from a cigarette, the smoke curls around his face, framing his jaw and pouty mouth. His expression leaves no doubt he’s looking at something― or someone― he’d like to get close to. See the photo here STORY… Read more »

Metronomy by Suki Fleet ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man in simple leather coat stands in what could be a crowded arena, a noose is around his neck as if he is about to be hung. His expression is defiant as he looks off to the side― he will not be beaten by this― but he also looks a little resigned, as if he knows this is… Read more »

Three Part Harmony by Tielle St. Clare ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: On the left, an upright piano stands against the wall of a brightly lit room with large windows. A well-built naked man sprawls on the piano bench, facing away from the instrument, his arms spread out along the keyboard. Another naked young man stands over him, one hand braced on the top of the piano, the other behind… Read more »

Back From the Past by Mia Downing ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: He stands naked in hip-high water in a lake, gazing down as his hand dips beneath the surface in a ripple of muscle and grace. Damp, dark hair drips from his head, his dark-eyed gaze one of contemplation. He’s perfect in form, chiseled through the waist, his abs rippled, his chest broad and firm. However, as beautiful as… Read more »

Las Palabras De Amor by K-lee Klein ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Close-up photo of two men’s heads, and part of a muscled arm in front of them. One man is facing forward with only half his face showing, and the other is turned to the side. The man on the left is darkly-stubbled, and ethnic in appearance. The man on the right has one eye staring into the camera…. Read more »

Love On a Wing and a Prayer by T.A. Webb ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Photo 1: In the foreground, a man in a desert-tan digital camo fatigue blouse and a flight deck helmet stands with his back to the camera. He is in sharp focus, while the fighter jet and the man climbing out of it is blurry and soft. Photo 2: Silhouetted against a deep turquoise sky with sunset-pink clouds, two… Read more »

Resistance by Joe Petty ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The sepia-toned photograph of two young men sitting on a rock kissing. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, One day I was holding him close, kissing him and loving him; that’s before they came and took him away. And I’ve never seen him since then. My dad is an important, dangerous man and I have to… Read more »

Forever. I Promise. by Lily Grace ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two teenage boys cuddle outside. One is leaning back against the other’s chest and they’re smiling at each other like nothing else exists in the world. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, People always tell me that the chance of finding your true love in high school is pretty slim. Well thank god then that I… Read more »

Corazón by Jenna Jones ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Adventurous-looking, mid-thirties Caucasian man, crouching by a fallen tree in the jungle, is juxtaposed against a handsome Latino man in his mid-twenties in a white T-shirt, at an event. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I want a story where this man is an archaeologist studying Mesoamerica (Aztec, Maya). He is very passionate about the history… Read more »