Tag Archives: Theme: friends to lovers

Four Seasons With You by May Ridge ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A photo depicts two men: their faces close together, eyes closed, radiating contentment. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, This peaceful moment reflects the love and compassion that these two have for each other. How did they meet and find one another? What stage is their relationship, and what sorts of experiences and emotional growth have… Read more »

One Week by K. Mason ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: There are two men on a bed. One man lies on his back. His eyes are closed and one arm is held up over his head. The other man, who has a well-trimmed beard and a rosebud tattoo on his chest, leans over him, as though he is about to kiss him. See the photo here STORY LETTER:… Read more »

Synchronicity by Keira Andrews ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:  An athletic young man (with a deliciously exposed thigh) sits looking away from the camera pensively. See the photo here STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, I could look at him all day. But sometimes, when he thinks I’m not looking, he seems so sad… Sincerely, Kate STORY INFO: Genre: contemporary Tags: sports, athletes, Olympics, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, oral sex Word… Read more »

Straight Men Can’t Cook by Anna Birmingham ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A cute twenty-something guy with damp blond hair chops vegetables in his kitchen. His only clothing is a towel wrapped around his middle. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I’m running out of time to prepare something delicious, errr… edible for my date. I mean, friend. I mean… Okay, okay, I had a bet with a… Read more »

Friends or Lovers? by Sara York ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men are in bed with an empty champagne bottle and two glasses. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, It was supposed to be my dream honeymoon with my partner of five years. Yeah, I knew that he was reluctant to make our partnership legal but I thought that he would eventually be as happy to… Read more »

Last First Kiss by Piper Vaughn ✿

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two young boys around age six or seven exchange a sweet, innocent kiss behind a caption that reads “No matter what age. No matter what gender. Love is love.” The taller boy is gently cupping the smaller boy’s chin while the smaller boy grips the strap of the taller boy’s backpack. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear… Read more »

Happy Endings by Deanna Wadsworth ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The picture is a black-and-white photo of a nearly naked man sitting on the floor, shoulders and head drooped in defeat, the epitome of sadness. Why is he so sad? What happened to leave him in this state and can anyone help him? See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, This picture, while disturbing, is one I… Read more »

#First Impressions #Second Chances by Heidi Belleau ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:  Instagram picture of two young men sharing a surprised kiss, both of them with eyes wide open. See the photo here STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, He’s always been a little shy and anxious in social situations, making it difficult for him to meet new people. Most nights he stays home. Even though his long-time friend calls trying to… Read more »

Lost Time by Parker Williams ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The black and white photograph shows a bed, from directly above, with two young men all the way over to the right side, visible from the waist up. Their torsos are bare. They lie facing one another, and their embrace is tender and loving more than it is passionate. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I… Read more »

Desert Rain by Victoria Zagar ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A red-haired man in an Army National Guard uniform touches his friend’s face tenderly. They both look agonized by the touch. There is a spark in their eyes that speaks of forbidden love and desire. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, That look he’s giving me is making it so hard to leave, but I have… Read more »