Tag Archives: Sex Content: first time

Somebody Nice! by Raine O’Tierney ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man stares at the camera, a hint of a smirk on his lips. His stubble-covered chin is tilted slightly down, and he has intense brown eyes. His black, gray, and white checkered shirt is open revealing his collarbone and a bit of chest. He wears a fisherman’s cap, hiding his hair. Only his ears peek out. Freckles cover… Read more »

Awakenings by Jayson James ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:The photo is of a muscular guy in his early 20’s with smooth, tan skin and dark brown hair that is combed back to spike up. He is standing behind a vacuum cleaner in a pair of blue boxer briefs with a grin on his face in what appears to be a bedroom and the picture seems to be… Read more »

Pledge Number Seven by C.M. Walker ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two dark-haired young men sit on a hardwood floor, viewed through a doorway. The younger, clean-shaven man has his back against the wall, wearing a white undershirt, dark pants, and boots. The other man faces him, bracing himself with his hand between his boyfriend’s feet. He wears a dark T-shirt and has the beginnings of a beard growing… Read more »

Forever. I Promise. by Lily Grace ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two teenage boys cuddle outside. One is leaning back against the other’s chest and they’re smiling at each other like nothing else exists in the world. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, People always tell me that the chance of finding your true love in high school is pretty slim. Well thank god then that I… Read more »

Playing the Field by Penny Brandon ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: An athletic, muscular man, aged about twenty seven, with short, dark hair, is looking sideways at someone only he can see. Tribal-type tattoos adorn his shoulders and biceps, and a large scroll tattoo covers his ripped abs. He’s wearing white briefs and nothing else. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, He was the one that… Read more »

In His Shoes by K.A. Merikan ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A handsome man in a tattered coat looks up from below a crooked top hat that shadows his other eye. His clothes appear too thin for the weather, but even worn and dusty, they seem to have been carefully chosen. There is a hint of a smile on his lips, but his intense gaze holds a promise of… Read more »

The Song by Eric Alan Westfall ♥

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  PHOTO DESCRIPTION: He’s mid to late thirties; black hair/eyes; fringe beard, mustache. Muscular, hairy. Gold neck chain. No shirt, black shorts, black trainers, no socks. Legs spread wide, seated on a nondescript couch. A slender, muscular, dark-haired man, also with a mustache/beard, very short hair, possibly naked, rests his head on the seated man’s thigh. Three fingers of the… Read more »

Creeling The Bridegroom by Neil S. Plakcy ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:  The photo I chose showed two handsome young men― one in a suit, the other in a kilt. They both have rosebuds in their lapels, and they’re kissing as well as clasping their hands together. The background looks like a garden, and all these elements together made me think of a wedding. See the photo here STORY LETTER: … Read more »

Apartment 1209 by Elizabeth Lister ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A muscular masked man, naked except for multiple leather harnesses and leather jock, sits clutching his crotch and placing his middle finger seductively on his tongue as he stares challengingly at the camera. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I am working three jobs to make ends meet, going to college at night and have… Read more »

When It’s Right by Aria Grace ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A smiling dark-haired guy in his twenties or thirties is apparently driving a car. Another man, perhaps a little younger, also with short dark hair, is resting his head on the driver’s shoulder, eyes closed, a faint smile on his face. Behind them on the backseat is a dog, and all we see of it is the dog’s… Read more »