Category Archives: + Love’s Landscapes

Knickers in a Twist by Ofelia Gränd ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man is standing with his back to the camera. He is shielding his face with his arm, displaying muscles and strength, but hiding. He is wearing a black garter belt in lace with matching stockings, gloves and a harness in black leather, and nothing else. He is a beautiful contrast of strength and delicacy. See the photo here… Read more »

Get Off My Case by Lisa Oliver ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two naked men lying on a bed; the smaller one on top of the bigger one, his head resting on the other man’s chest. The man underneath has his arms up around his lover. There is the hint of a white fluffy rug covering them from the hips down. The two are obviously lovers and are at peace with… Read more »

Better Than New by Charley Descoteaux ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Extreme close-up of a handsome young man with beautiful blue eyes and a sexy bit of scruff. He’s exhaling a drag from a cigarette, the smoke curls around his face, framing his jaw and pouty mouth. His expression leaves no doubt he’s looking at something― or someone― he’d like to get close to. See the photo here STORY… Read more »

Metronomy by Suki Fleet ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man in simple leather coat stands in what could be a crowded arena, a noose is around his neck as if he is about to be hung. His expression is defiant as he looks off to the side― he will not be beaten by this― but he also looks a little resigned, as if he knows this is… Read more »

Mr. Jaguar by K.A. Merikan ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men lie on a bed locked in a passionate embrace. Completely naked, oblivious to the world around them, they share something special, a bond they couldn’t possibly have with anyone else. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER:Dear Author, I feel there is so much emotion on the bottom’s face in this photo. I want to know what… Read more »

What Remains of Us by J.H. Knight ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men in early 20th century clothing are standing outdoors together. One has his arm around the other’s shoulder and he’s tweaking his mustache. See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author,It’s been a year since the earthquake. With San Francisco burning around us, we were sure we’d lost everything. With nothing left to lose, we turned to each other…. Read more »

Somebody Nice! by Raine O’Tierney ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man stares at the camera, a hint of a smirk on his lips. His stubble-covered chin is tilted slightly down, and he has intense brown eyes. His black, gray, and white checkered shirt is open revealing his collarbone and a bit of chest. He wears a fisherman’s cap, hiding his hair. Only his ears peek out. Freckles cover… Read more »

Chapmistres View – Adam and Ben by Carol Pedroso ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: This is a color photo of a muscular man with tattoos down his left arm. He is doing push-ups facing forwards to the camera, and he has a baby lying on his back. The baby is looking at the camera and looks happy to be where it is. See the photo here STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, This scene… Read more »

Awakenings by Jayson James ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:The photo is of a muscular guy in his early 20’s with smooth, tan skin and dark brown hair that is combed back to spike up. He is standing behind a vacuum cleaner in a pair of blue boxer briefs with a grin on his face in what appears to be a bedroom and the picture seems to be… Read more »

The Lonely Drop by Vanessa North ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men lie naked in bed. One is on his stomach, with his head out of the frame, the other strokes a hesitant hand down his lover’s back. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author,Ten years ago, I turned him down. One night stands were his norm, and not because he couldn’t have had a relationship if he’d… Read more »