Category Archives: + Love’s Landscapes

Past the Horizon by D.C. Williams ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two very young men in WWII era uniforms stand in a field, gazing at each other with their hands clasped. I’m always aware that prior to about 1950, men were much less self-conscious about that kind of pose than became the norm later, but there’s something about this photo, the absorbed way they look into each other’s eyes and… Read more »

Knight in Shining Cowboy Boots by Thianna D ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Both wearing jeans and bare-chested. Man on the left is kissing the man on the right’s cheek. Man on the right is glaring into the camera while he keeps a tight hold on hands that are at his hips. See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author,How the hell did this happen, again? It was just supposed to be a… Read more »

Cruel to be Kind by Kim Dare ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A naked man lies on the floor in a dark space. He has a muscular build and several tattoos. A light shines down on him from above. He appears to be deep in thought and is holding one hand up so the light shines through his fingers. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER:Dear Author, I would like a… Read more »

This Hour I Lost by Indra Vaughn ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men are sharing a bath filled with bubbles. The one on the right pours champagne directly into the other’s mouth. They are both laughing, looking elated. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER:Dear Author,These two are together against certain odds and chances. The one on the left is the rich, party boy, maybe even a millionaire. Never had… Read more »

500 Kisses to Steal a Heart by Anyta Sunday ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men are sitting close, a whisper apart, and their gazes are locked onto each other’s lips. The light glows behind them, bright, like the chemistry between them. They are about to kiss… See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author,These two men appear to be sharing a moment of affection and tenderness, and they seem so comfortable with each… Read more »

Human Choices by Jaye McKenna ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A young man with striking blue eyes, long hair, and a beard stares at the camera. He wears a breastplate over a simple tunic. See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author,I’m in trouble and desperately need your help. It began to couple of weeks ago when I heard a fight outside my workshop. When I looked out I saw… Read more »

Lost and Found by Eileen Griffin ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Human photos consisted of three males, two— who each have short hair and some beard scruff— in a loving embrace on their bed, and the last one who is thinner and smaller boned, pale skin with longish black hair in a thin T-shirt and low-slung off-white pants. Cat photos consisted of two long-haired Maine Coon cats with tortoise-shell coloring,… Read more »

Inhaling Smoke by Tia Fielding ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A shirtless young man with tattooed arms, stretched ears and a lip piercing holds a toddler. The baby is looking down at something; it almost looks like they’re drawing together. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author,They did not think I could do this, when a phone call woke me and my boyfriend, telling me my best friend who… Read more »

Forever Under a Rainbow by Posy Roberts ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men walk hand in hand along a trail. It’s obvious one man knows the way through the field of native grasses, and the man who is a half step behind trusts his partner but might be apprehensive about the situation or where he’s being led. They appear to be talking in intimate tones. They touch from fingers to… Read more »

All I Ever Wanted by Lauren Lewis ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men, both dressed in tuxedos, are standing alone around the back of a church. They are kissing and holding each other close. The taller man has his arms wrapped around the smaller man’s waist, while the smaller man is leaning into the kiss and reaching out for his partner. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author,There is… Read more »