Category Archives: + Love Has No Boundaries

Ten Year H-itch by Pelaam ♥

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Photo Description: The black and white photo shows two men, but only the man closest to the camera is in focus. He sits in bed, propped up on pillows, staring pensively at the camera. In the background, his partner reclines on the far edge of the same bed. His hand reaches for his lover’s nipple as he watches the other… Read more »

Prisoner 374215 by Angel Martinez ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: While the cell is sparse and cold, at least this one has a bed. The figure resting there is too thin; too still, the prominent bones the result of long starvation, the stillness the product of too much anguish and abuse. He watches, though. An anxious, intelligent mind still occupies this frail and failing body, one that watches… Read more »

Love You So Hard by Tara Lain ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The slim, taut torso of a young man from neck to hips wearing a T-shirt that says “I Would Bottom You So Hard” See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I saw him at my local corner store when I stopped in for some soda after work. He was wearing that damn T-shirt and now I can’t… Read more »

Cartoon Logic by Andrea Speed ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two guys in a friendly hug. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I would love a story with a lot of laughter, bad puns and jokes, as well as love. Emotions are the important thing here, sweet discovery. The prompt: Cartoonist Found Dead in Home. Details are Sketchy. (Think Huffington Post or CNN) Who would’ve thunk… Read more »

Sailor Boys by Anthony McDonald ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two young lads have just met for the first time. Both are in naval uniform, both on national service. They are startled by the coincidence of how much alike they look. Headily conscious of each other’s and their own beauty, they are primed and ready to fall in love… See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, They… Read more »

Dirty Boys by Kyle Adams ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young man is trimming his hedges wearing only a pair of dirty jeans showing off his muscular body. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I saw this guy every Saturday last spring and summer during my routine trash pickup route in his neighborhood. I could never find the courage to speak to him. I feel… Read more »