Category Archives: + Love Has No Boundaries

Sticking It by K. Vale (NSFW) ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young, heavily muscled man, with his dark hair in a pompadour, is performing a gymnastics routine on a pommel horse wearing only his underwear. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I know I’m not supposed to be on the equipment after hours, but when my frat brothers dared me to strip down to my… Read more »

The Three of Us by Stephen del Mar ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Three college-age men in a cuddle pile on the ground. The scene depicts deep friendship and affection between the men. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, These 3 guys are sweet together. They met in college when they were on the same dorm hall. They became instant best friends. They hang out and goof off together,… Read more »

Falling Away by Lisa Henry ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young guy lies cuffed to a table. Exposed, debauched… and completely vulnerable. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, Completely debauched, wrecked— he’s floating now, but tomorrow the shame will come. Tomorrow he’ll be disgusted all over again at what he’s done. What he’s allowed to be done to him. More than that… what he’s… Read more »

Learning to Dance by Annette Gisby ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A dark-haired young man stands in the center of a summer street scene. He wears a studded black leather harness and collar, fingerless black gloves, and black chaps that lace down the sides, and holds a green shopping bag. His hair has been gelled into spikes, and the fringe in the back is dyed a streaky blond. Hanging… Read more »

Treasure by Kim Fielding ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A handsome blond wearing a cape and embroidered tunic is on one knee. He’s clutching a smaller man protectively to him. The smaller man is bound hand and foot and wears knee breeches and a long shirt. The blond wields a sword, which he has just used to cut the rope that is twisted around the smaller man’s… Read more »

Last First Kiss by Piper Vaughn ✿

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two young boys around age six or seven exchange a sweet, innocent kiss behind a caption that reads “No matter what age. No matter what gender. Love is love.” The taller boy is gently cupping the smaller boy’s chin while the smaller boy grips the strap of the taller boy’s backpack. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear… Read more »

Jackson’s Law by Vanessa North ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: He pulls back his jacket and shirt with one hand, revealing a rock-hard abdomen and hirsute chest. His pink bow-tie hangs to one side, and his pants are undone. A constellation of moles scatters across his body, inviting… See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I’ve always had a thing for moles. Don’t know what it is… Read more »

The Only Way Out Is In by Lyn Gala ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The original request included a promotional shot of Jayne Cobb, a character from Firefly. He is gruff with a face shadowed by stubble, and he is crouched and holding a gun. The request wanted “a man deep in the closet, striving to be hyper-masculine, and completely misogynistic, simply to hide his attraction to men.” See the photo here STORY… Read more »

Happy Endings by Deanna Wadsworth ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The picture is a black-and-white photo of a nearly naked man sitting on the floor, shoulders and head drooped in defeat, the epitome of sadness. Why is he so sad? What happened to leave him in this state and can anyone help him? See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, This picture, while disturbing, is one I… Read more »

#First Impressions #Second Chances by Heidi Belleau ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:  Instagram picture of two young men sharing a surprised kiss, both of them with eyes wide open. See the photo here STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, He’s always been a little shy and anxious in social situations, making it difficult for him to meet new people. Most nights he stays home. Even though his long-time friend calls trying to… Read more »