Category Archives: Fantasy

Taken by Kim Dare ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Three elves crowd around a captured human. The human is bound and gagged; chains attached to his collar restrain him to the floor, and his hands are cuffed behind his back. The elves are all clothed but the human’s clothing has been torn away, rendering him naked and vulnerable. Each elf is tall, slender, and elegant, with long… Read more »

Cartoon Logic by Andrea Speed ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two guys in a friendly hug. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I would love a story with a lot of laughter, bad puns and jokes, as well as love. Emotions are the important thing here, sweet discovery. The prompt: Cartoonist Found Dead in Home. Details are Sketchy. (Think Huffington Post or CNN) Who would’ve thunk… Read more »