Category Archives: Paranormal

Cruel to be Kind by Kim Dare ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A naked man lies on the floor in a dark space. He has a muscular build and several tattoos. A light shines down on him from above. He appears to be deep in thought and is holding one hand up so the light shines through his fingers. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER:Dear Author, I would like a… Read more »

Lost and Found by Eileen Griffin ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Human photos consisted of three males, two— who each have short hair and some beard scruff— in a loving embrace on their bed, and the last one who is thinner and smaller boned, pale skin with longish black hair in a thin T-shirt and low-slung off-white pants. Cat photos consisted of two long-haired Maine Coon cats with tortoise-shell coloring,… Read more »

Get Off My Case by Lisa Oliver ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two naked men lying on a bed; the smaller one on top of the bigger one, his head resting on the other man’s chest. The man underneath has his arms up around his lover. There is the hint of a white fluffy rug covering them from the hips down. The two are obviously lovers and are at peace with… Read more »

Metronomy by Suki Fleet ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man in simple leather coat stands in what could be a crowded arena, a noose is around his neck as if he is about to be hung. His expression is defiant as he looks off to the side― he will not be beaten by this― but he also looks a little resigned, as if he knows this is… Read more »

Chapmistres View – Adam and Ben by Carol Pedroso ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: This is a color photo of a muscular man with tattoos down his left arm. He is doing push-ups facing forwards to the camera, and he has a baby lying on his back. The baby is looking at the camera and looks happy to be where it is. See the photo here STORY LETTER:  Dear Author, This scene… Read more »

Fated by Lexi Ander ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A scruffy shirtless bald man in a red, green, and white kilt is standing with his feet apart looking up. He has tattoos on his upper right chest, and his arms. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, Please help this poor Laird. He’s a warrior and a leader, always alone. Now he’s fallen in love with… Read more »

Guarding Lucas by Mitchell E. Sanford ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A man with short dark hair has his back to the viewer. He wears a dark blue suit jacket with the sleeves pushed up, and a beaded bracelet of some kind on his left wrist. He is being embraced— or held up— by a man wearing a tan trench coat over a suit and tie… and with white… Read more »

Fire and Water by Kate Pavelle ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A mostly black and white photo of a man partially obscured in shadow. The collar of his pinstriped shirt is turn up and his hand is in front of his face with orange flames flowing from his index finger and thumb. Those flames are reflected in his eye. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I met… Read more »

Tempting Lucifer by Kristina Schwartz ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A youthful man of indeterminable age lounges on a brocade-patterned chair, a look of disinterested haughtiness written across his face. His eyes, black as the starless night sky and rimmed in heavy black kohl seem to bore into yours, and resting on his head is a crown made of blackened horns, barnacles and spiral seashells. His smooth, bare… Read more »

Genie in a Beanie by Indra Vaughn ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A black-haired man with darkly stubbled cheeks is sitting down, holding a baby up to a man standing close and leaning slightly forward. This man is blond and wears a knitted beanie. The baby tugs on the blond man’s beard. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, The catalyst to bring these two men together is twofold:… Read more »