Author Archives: admin

Troubled Heart by Sammy Goode ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men, with both passion and anger in their eyes, stand pressed together. The taller, broader man is holding the other tightly while pushing him against the wall. His one hand is wrapped around the smaller man’s forehead, his face leaning in as if to whisper in his ear. There is such tension in this picture. The taller… Read more »

The Things It Takes… (Make It A Lifetime) by Leisha Caine ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Three pictures: the first is a couple holding hands during a spa treatment. Adorable, but not the one I wish to focus on. The second is where the story gets interesting― it displays a man kneeling on a bed naked, in deep contemplation. Look at his body― he is tense, conflicted, out of sorts… It’s a fascinating state… Read more »

Give an Inch by K.D. Sarge ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A young man in a beanie lies on a couch, a gray-and-white kitten asleep on his chest and a black-and-white kitten exploring. He smiles at them. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, The court settlement left me with enough money to buy a house as isolated from other people as I could get. I vowed I’d… Read more »

Deep Magic by Gillian St. Kevern ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A man sits alone in the long grass atop a cliff. His head is bowed, and he is oblivious to the beauty of the sunset behind him. The gold, orange, and red of the sunset fade into the calm waves of the sea beyond him. Superimposed over this are two men, one gazing intently at his laughing companion,… Read more »

Prophecy by Pelaam ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men are wearing black body suits. Where the suits end their skin is coloured black to match. Over their heads are realistic horse masks, complete with bridles. One has a slightly lighter mane. They have body harnesses around their chests and waists, which loop underneath between their legs. You can also just see the first man’s pony… Read more »

More Than French Kissing by Cass Winters ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two young men lie kissing on a cobbled street. They’re surrounded by unfinished artwork and coloured pencils. A red Fiat 500 with the driver’s door open faces a cream moped. A helmet is discarded on the ground beside them. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, Please can you help these guys get to this picture? The… Read more »

Sweet, Echoing Howl by NK Layne ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Photo 1: A shirtless androgyne is immersed in the woods, swaying with the confidence of an Amazonian. The androgyne is stalked by a black leopard wearing the facial expressions of a predator going in for the kill, but with the soft eyes of a guardian, emitting a green light over the androgyne. Photo 2: One paw up and… Read more »

Unexpected Homecoming by A.J. Henderson ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men in a pool, one man sitting on the other’s shoulders. A golden retriever stands in the water next to them. A house and trees are visible in the background. See the photo here STORY LETTER: Dear Author, After being dumped by his boss-lover and losing his job, Ben is forced to pack his stuff and his… Read more »

Still Waters by Alex Gabriel ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A redheaded, muscular young man with a short beard stands in a lake, a scraggly stand of seaweed-draped deadwood behind him and mountains in the distance. He looks directly at the viewer, wearing a neutral expression. The water comes up to just above his waist, and he is lifting a sturdy white net from the water with both… Read more »

Without a View by Penny Brandon ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: The photo is of a dark room, with just enough light to see a naked man lying on his stomach in a pile of straw. He’s looking around him, and appears confused. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, The first thing he noticed as he slowly came awake was the tickle at his nose. The… Read more »