Author Archives: admin

A Million Truths by MC Houle ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two brunet men on a bed. The younger one is on his knee, eyes closed. He looks content to let the other man kiss his belly. See the photo here (NSFW) STORY LETTER: Dear Author, I was always considered a geek in high school, luckily my best friend older brother always looked out for me and I was… Read more »

In a Whole New Light by Marie L. Nickett ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:In the first picture, a brown-haired young man is stretched out on a couch, his hands resting on his belly. He is wondering aloud if his best friend― who is sitting on the floor, propped up against the couch― could turn up the heat in the room. In the second picture, his black-haired best friend is now lying on… Read more »

The Heartbeat Under a White Coat by CR Guiliano ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Jordan is lonely and in the closet thanks to a painful past and prior abusive relationships. Here you see him thinking, wishing he had someone to love in his life. Despite the chance to meet someone, he is scared. Afraid that no one will want him after all that he has suffered. See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author,This… Read more »

Prancer and Gruff by Jade Crystal ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A cowboy stands alone in a grassy field, a saddle dangling from his grip by the saddle horn. He stands comfortably, feet apart and shoulders wide. He is looking down, his dark hat obscuring his face and throwing shadows over one shoulder. He is bare-chested, sporting an impressive upper body physique; he is wearing only belted jeans and boots…. Read more »

Watching Elijah Fall by Amy Spector ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A man looks out from a black-and-white photograph. He is beautiful and shirtless, with a stubble-covered jaw and a hint of what might be a smile. He rests his hand lightly against his chin and cheek. He has clear pale eyes under heavy brows. Lips slightly parted, he studies the one behind the camera with an intimate gaze. See… Read more »

Making It Work by Cari Z. ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A handsome silver-haired man stares into the camera, leaning his head against one hand. He’s backlit by the sun, and his face and bare chest are in shadow. He appears both intent and faintly amused, and it’s hard to look away from his smoldering eyes. See the photo here STORY LETTER:Dear Author, I’m sending this on behalf of my… Read more »

Strange Charm by A. Phallus Si ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Color illustration depicting two muscular youths posed mid-air, their legs form an “X”. One bent over in front, the other directly behind him with his legs kicked up in a “V”, their groins seemingly conjoined, present a mesmerizing but visually confusing tableau for assigning the appropriate limbs to face. The figures radiate intensity via severity of stance, expression and… Read more »

See You Smile by Dawn Sister ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A young man with slightly disheveled, light blond hair sits, balanced precariously on a balcony rail in dappled sunlight. He is wearing only a towel and is looking at and reaching down to something behind him. His chest and stomach are smooth and well-toned. He is slim and not overly muscular. His hair is covering his face hiding his… Read more »

Until Death Do Us Part by Janel White ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:Two men are in a hallway with small doors all around, one open. The first man is sitting with hands behind his back like he is cuffed, and staring straight ahead with a blank expression on his face. The second man is standing over the first. He is wearing a police uniform that is form-fitting. The police officer is… Read more »

Wand-Losing & Other Things You Shouldn’t Be Doing by Gabbo de la Parra ♥

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PHOTO DESCRIPTION:A painting of a handsome man in semi profile, part human part machine, looking at one of his hands. His machine parts and clothes are done in gold, copper and brass tones with clouds resembling cogs in different sizes surrounding him. He wears a top hat adorned with goggles and two feathers, one of a pheasant and the other… Read more »