A Japanese man with a black, wispy hair holds a camera. He is wearing a leather jacket and looking intently at the subject he is shooting.
Dear Author,
This was supposed to have been my honeymoon. How ironic, we’ve been engaged for 2 years but as soon as Maryland Equality in Marriage passed, he started to get cold feet and then he breaks up with me.
We always said we would go to Japan together but only one of us made it. So here I am taking pictures and feeling a little sorry for myself, when I hear the sound of someone taking pictures to the side of me. I turn and there he is, smiling, camera pointed directly at me, laughing even, and daring me to be in on the joke.
Maybe this trip is just the thing I needed, who knew a honeymoon for one could end up for two?
Notes: HFN or HEA, no bdsm please, angst ok as long as they are together at the end.
Genre: contemporary
Tags: college, arts/visual, HFN, masturbation, annoying ex
Word count: 15,381
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